Sunday, 16 March 2014

Bluebeard Review

Ustinov Theatre Bath

              This gripping play from new theatre company 'Gallivant' certainly had its audience members stomachs turning in their seats.  Each line delivered from actor Paul Mundell left us feeling uneasy and questioning our own views.  Mundell is brilliantly compelling and terrifying at the same time. He holds his audiences gaze and targets each person. The staging was simple but effective, the dingy setting and abstract lighting made it all the more frightening and dungeon like as he took us through his horrifying stories. The whimsical and poetic writing lulls you into a false sense of security and leaves you feeling slightly disgusted at yourself when you remember that he is describing abusing women. The company's twisted adaptation of this gruesome fairytale is chilling to say the least. There are distinct underlying themes concerning the pornographic imagery we see everyday on Facebook and other social media sites as well as making the audience question why society today is so obsessed with these 'Mr Grey' characters by describing the extremes Bluebeard's character is willing to go.

My student notes:
Paul Mundell is a very good example of someone who can clock his audience and hold moments of silence to the extreme. His vocal work was brilliant and didn't falter in the hour long performance once. The script was very well written and I really enjoyed the production.

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